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Latest News

14 October 2024: Our paper on the role of ACL5 on the regulation of Marchantia polymorpha developmental regulation has been accepted in Developmental Cell! This is Anna Sole-Gil´s PhD main paper. She did an amazing work. The link on the paper will be available soon.


10th September 2024: Our paper on the role of PIN3 on weight-induced radial growth is now published on-line in Current Biology. Our former postdoc Angela Carrió-Seguí did an amazing job. Also, the collaborative input by our friends at Hannele Tuominen lab was fantastic. Check out the MS here:

doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2024.07.065.


3rd July 2024: Santiago pressented his work in the XVII RBMP Conference, held in Castellón. His poster was amazing! Javier also attended the conference. We had great fun.


10th May 2024: Javier gave a seminar in Helsinki University. He also was opponent in Chang Su´s PhD defence. It was great to spend some time and hang out with our finnish friends.


12th April 2024: Javier gave a seminar at the National Network for plant Evolution and Development in Madrid.


7th March 2024: We went for a mascletá and then for lunch to a georgian restaurant. Really great fun!


23 February 2024: Lucia Sandoval, who made her paractical work in the lab last year for her undergrad studies returns to us, this time to carry out her TFG (BsC) project. Welcome back!


01 February 2024: Our new paper on Cassava is out! Great collabroation with the Brumos lab, here at IBMCP. Check it out here:


18th December 2023: We went for our Christmass lunch.This time to an Ukranian restaurant. We enjoyed the food and liquors a lot.


14 October 2023: Javier´s Book on Xylem protocols is out! Check it out here:


15 September 2023: Our paper on plant size and water use efficiency is out in Plant, Cell and Environment. Great collaboration with the groups of Aurelio Gomez-Cadenas and Miguel Blazquez. Amazing work by Carlos de Ollas. Thanks for enrolling us! doi: 10.1111/pce.14663


28 July 2023: Anna deffended her PhD. She was absolutely great. Congrats to our new doctor!!


20 June 2023: Sara deffended her TFG and holds now a Biotechnology Bsc. Well done, Sara!!


03 May 2023: Javier´s new book chapter on Laser Capture Microdissection is out. Check it out here: DOI. 10.1007/978-1-0716-3044-0_19


20 April 2023: We presented our last results on auxin and secondary growth in the Spanish Phytohormone meeting. It was really exciting to get feedback from our colleagues.


07 March 2023: Our new preprint in Cassava root development is out. We compile there Anna´s and Anselmo´s work. Great collabortion with the Brumos lab in our institute. Check it out here:


01 February 2023: Sara Rico, who made her practical undergrad work with us last year is back to the lab. This time to perform her final year project (TFG). Wellcome back!


22 January 2023: Lucia Sandoval, our new undergrad student joins today our lab for her degree practical work. Wellcome to the team!


15 January 2023: Our two new master students Matteo Corradi and Arturo Hernández start today in the lab. Wellcome!


01 October 2022: Yaroslav Ivanovych, our new Ukranian postdoc, joins today our lab. Wellcome to the tema!


16 September 2022: Santiago Sierra, our new PhD student, starts today in the lab. Wellcome!


15 September 2022: Paula and Javier presented part of our work in the XVI RBMP conference in Sevilla. We had a fantastic time there.


01 September 2022: Our new grant to study the environmental effect on vascular development starts today.


27 June 2022: Our invited review about Storage Roots is out in Current Biology. Check it out! doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2022.03.034


20 June 2022: Our paper in collaboration with the Rodriguez-Villalon lab (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland) is out in Development. Check it out! doi: 10.1242/dev200403


28 July 2021: Anselmo passed his master thesis viva with great marks and feedback. He did an amazing job. Well done!!


01 July 2021: Roger defended today his final year undergrad research project. He was great at it and, so, he is officially a biotechnologist. Congratulations! Well done!


01 March 2021: Today we welcome Marta and Roger, who have joined the group as undergrad students. Marta will work on understanding how the environment modulates secondary growth and roger will analyse multiple natural alleles of secondary growth regulators in order to predict their potential adaptive value. Both of them will be supervised by Paula.


17 February 2021: Javier´s co-edited research topic on "integration of hormonal signals shaping root growth, development, and architecture" is out. Co-edited with Eswarayya Ramireddy and Javier Brumos. Also available as eBook. Check it out here:


02 December 2020: New paper featuring Javier´s collaboration on a Thomas Greb´s lab project published in The Plant Cell.


27 November 2020: Paula presented a poster at the XV RBMP conference. She showed our latest results on the identification and characterisation of a new regulator of secondary growth.


26 November 2020: Anna presented a talk at the XV RBMP conference. She showed our progress on understanding the evolution of vascular development regulatory networks. 


12 June 2020: Our grant from the science ministry was funded! Hopefully we´ll be able to perform some new cool experiments with the money we got.


25 March 2020: A review on vascular development for Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, written by Javier and Miguel Blázquez, got published. Check it out:


17 February 2020:  Paula re-joined the group, in this case as PhD student.


14 January 2020: Both Asier and Paula passed their Master thesis viva with very high marks. Congratulations!! 


07 January 2020:  Anselmo just joined our group as Master Student. Supervised by Anna, he will be working in Cassava. Welcome to the team!


11 December 2019: We are looking for a candidate to apply to the Juan de la Cierva postodcotral fellowship to perform a joint project with the lab of Miguel Blazquez here at IBMCP. Interesed? Contact us on or


18 November 2019: Angela gave a talk at the annual vascular development meeting held in Corsendonck, Belgium.


13 November 2019: Press release about our last paper. Check it out here:


11 November 2019: Javi chaired a session in the "2nd IBMCP young researchers symposium".


5 November 2019: Follow us on twitter: @agusti_lab


25 August 2019: Our paper on the identification of SOBIR1 as a new regulator of secondary growth is out in PNAS. Check it out here:


20 May 2019: Anna´s paper on the conservation of ACL5 (thermospermine synthase) activity across land plants is out:


06 March 2019: Our collaborative paper with Sonia Antoranz-Contera´s group on secondary xylem development modelling is out

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